on Louerable

Discover the right thing for the right occation on Louerable.
· rentable, available to rent
· praiseworthy, deserving approval and admiration

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Frequently asked questions

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Louerable connects people who need items with those who have them. Users can browse items, select a rental period, and arrange pick-up or delivery. Lenders set prices and terms, and borrowers pay through the platform.

You can rent almost anything on Louerable, from baby gear to tools and musical instruments.

Logistics vary, but you can use the messaging feature to coordinate with the lender.

Borrowers are responsible for damage or loss. Lender and borrower should work together to resolve the issue. Louerable offers dispute resolution services.

Create an account, fill out profile info. As a lender, list items and set prices and terms. As a borrower, browse and rent items.

How Louerable works?
Search & Request
Search for a product near you, request and reserve after confirmation
Pickup & Pay
Pick it up at the arranged time, and pay the amount after verification
Enjoy & Return
Make use of it, enjoy and bring it back at the arranged time

Rent anything, from anyone, anywhere

We are actively listening for feedback! If you have any improvement ideas, email us via link below.

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